Yemen Army Advances In Nihem Despite Of Air Raids

Al-Thawra Net

October 26th, the Yemeni Army and Popular Committees made progress in battle fronts in Nihem directorate, despite of the intensive air strikes of Saudi-led coalition aggression.

A local official said to Khaber News agency that violent fighting took place in the areas of “al-Gatab ,  al –Mshajah Bran and al-Jubar’s Hills of Maisarh in Nihem .

The same source clarified that the Yemeni Army and Popular Committees made progress in these areas despite of the intensive air strike of Saudi-led coalition aggression that backed Saudi’s mercenaries.

Source pointed out that information confirmed that dozens of Saudi mercenaries have been killed and injured during the battle fight   .

“The Saudi-led coalition warplanes launched more than 12 air strikes targeting Bran , al-Mashajah , Bani Barg , Mabada,ah , al-Hawl , al-Mahshash vally and Maswarah , during intensive flying of Saudi aggression warplanes ,” A local official said

“One of the air strike targeted a residential house in Maswarah area without any causality in lives,” source added.