Points Resulted By The Tenth Of Ramadan Document

Al-Thawra Net

Jun 6th , The participants of the wise Yemeni people meeting affirmed that the choice to face the Saudi-American aggression is a strategic choice and to continue struggling until the liberation of the occupied Yemeni territories, whether in the northern or southern provinces.

” facing aggression is an absolute priority for all institutions and state organs of all forces, parties and not to allow any work for any party or class that would undermine the row and weaken the internal front,” the participants stressed.

The participants issued the final statement “Tenth Of Ramadan Document ”  at the end of the meeting included the following points:

  1. Emphasis on the sovereignty, independence and unity of Yemen and reject the external interference.
  2. The choice to face the Saudi-led coalition is a strategic choice until the liberation of all the occupied territories.
  3. Forming a committee to follow up the outcomes of the meeting held on the 10th of Ramadan.
  4. We invite writers, intellectuals and academics to do their part in facing the US-backed Saudi war.
  5. We call all people to pay attention and efforts on agriculture.
  6. Full rejection of the continued Saudi imposed blockade, and support all efforts to break it.
  7. The need to activate the official bodies to combat corruption.
  8. We call on the government to fight corruption and improve the economic situation as much as possible.
  9. Activating state institutions to enhance social resilience and alleviate the suffering caused by the Saudi war
  10. Activating the role of women in facing the Saudi-led coalition and their remarkable sacrifices.
  11. Activating the role of scholars, preachers and guides in facing the Saudi war and spread awareness among people about their terrorism fund, such as the terrorist organizations of Al-Qaeda and Daesh.
  12. Encourage and support the role of the Yemeni tribes in combating the Saudi forces and their allies.
  13. Official care for the families of the fighters on battlefields, as well as families of martyrs, wounded and prisoners.
  14. The strengthening of frontlines internally and in the Yemeni-Saudi border money and weapons, as a responsibility of all.
  15. Emphasize the activation of commitments between the national forces to maintain national unity.
  16. The necessity of unifying the media discourse.
  17. Social solidarity and brotherhood to strengthen cohesion against coalition forces.
  18. Inviting the Tricked Yemenis to wake up and return to the national ranks.
  19. Strengthening the national partnership between anti-aggression components.
  20. Facing the Saudi-led coalition aggression is an absolute official and popular priority.