PPAAC Condemns Al-Mashanaq Massacre in Sa’ada Province

Al-Thawra Net

The political parties Anti-aggression conglomerate (PPAAC) strongly condemned the horrific massacre committed by the aggression warplanes in a popular market in Shada district of Sa’ada province, killing 24 martyrs and many others wounded.

In a statement, PPAAC confirmed that this heinous crime shows the reality of the Security Council, which gives the countries of aggression political and military cover to continue killing Yemeni people and blockade Yemen, nevertheless the world keep silent towards the heinous crimes committed by the Saudi-American aggression against the Yemeni people.

The PPAAC called on heroes of the army and popular committees to respond appropriately in the various fronts in retaliation for the blood of thousands of children and women who have killed and are still targets for the Saudi-American  aggression.