The International Community Had Not Taken Any Procedural Steps to Stop the Aggression

Al-Thawra Net

The Ministry of Human Rights expressed her deep regret at the negative response of the international community, headed by the United Nations and its various bodies, especially the Security Council, in light of the rapid health crisis in Yemen caused by the spread of cholera as a result of the collapse of the health system caused by the aggression.

The Ministry of Human Rights said in a statement to Saba News Agency that it was “following with great concern the growing numbers of people affected by the cholera epidemic in a number of areas and  provinces as the number of suspected cholera cases in Yemen reaches unprecedented levels, one in every 200 people is suspected of having been infected.”

According to official statistics from the Ministry of Health, the number of suspected cholera cases across the country exceeds 124, while more than 900 people have died as a result of the cholera.

“The Ministry of Human Rights expresses its deep indignation at the negative position of the international community’s system in this rapidly growing health crisis, which was a natural result of the collapse of the health system, which was targeted by the Saudi-led Aggression coalition which is unable to deal positively with cases of infection ,and to provide appropriate care for the infected due to the suspension of most of the health facilities from work and the acute shortage of medical supplies .

“The international community had not taken any procedural steps to stop the aggression, lift the blockade and allow the entry of foodstuffs and medical, and did not provide urgent medical assistance and solutions that will reduce the death of people with cholera.

The Ministry of Human Rights renewed its call on the international community, represented by the United Nations and the UN Security Council, to take responsibility to save the lives of Yemenis through an immediate decision to stop the aggression, lift the blockade, and allow food, medical supplies, oil derivatives and relief aid as well as forming an independent and impartial international fact-finding Commission to investigate on all the crimes and violations committed by the Saudi-Led coalition aggression .