Wahhabi Tries To Present Imam Ali As A Problematic Figure, Excluding Him From Curriculum And Religious Culture

Al-Thawra Net

The leader of the revolution, Mr. Abdul Malik al-Houthi, said that the Imam “Ali” peace be upon him is an extension to carry the Islamic project, and the most complete model for hisf faith and the nature of responsibility that he carried.

In his 12th Ramadan lecture on the “anniversary of the martyrdom of Imam Ali bin Abi Talib,” the Leader said that the talk about Imam Ali came from the site of the Example and to take advantage of him.

He stressed that the love of Imam “Ali” peace be upon him represents an essential part of our faith and religion as our Prophet’s said “Do not love Ali only a believer and don’t hate Ali only hypocrite.

He noted that the hadiths of the Prophet in the Imam “Ali” peace be upon him was not a compliment or a way of praise, but to emphasize the status of this man in Islam and the importance of the role assigned to him.

He added that talking about him cannot be a problem between the nation as the Wahhabi trying to portray the Wahhabi presented him through hostility to anyone talk about him.