Yemen Scholars Association Expresses Its Solidarity with the Palestinian People

Al-Thawra Net

The Yemen Scholars Association expressed it full solidarity and stand with the oppressed Palestinian people who their lands and sanctities under the occupation of the Zionist invaders.

In a statement, the association announced its absolute support for the heroic operation carried out by Palestinians in the courtyards of the Al-Aqsa Mosque to defend it.

Such operations considered as a legitimate and guaranteed right, calling on the Palestinian people for more operations that distract the Zionists and push them to leave the Holy Land, the statement said

The statement also expressed the Association’s rejection of the collusion, conspiracy and silence of the ruling regimes of the Arab and Islamic world headed by the Saudi, Emirates and others regimes and rulers who are steeped in normalizations with Zionist invaders, considering silence of the occupation and its crimes against the Palestinian people participating in those crimes.

“The normalization regimes reached the highest summit in corruption, injustice, aggression and recklessness of the Islamic nation and its sanctities to serve the enemies of Allah and humanity,” the statement added

It also called on the Islamic peoples to carry out their duties towards Allah, their religion and towards the Palestinians who are under the occupation.