Is It Time To Rock The End Of The War In Yemen And What Are The Dimensions?

Zine El Abidine Osman

A broad national and international movements coupled with a reciprocal movement from Russia to revive the peace negotiations in Yemen, as the latest geopolitical events in the Yemeni scene say it seems that these moves are filled with a more serious type of responsibility, which is saturated with the intentions of peace, especially as there are parallel moves by the alliance of Saudi-American aggression in this regard.

According to some news agencies, a meeting in London met representatives of Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, The UN envoy to Yemen Ismail Ould Sheikh to discuss ways to revive peace negotiations.

But the geopolitical indicators say that the Saudi-US coalition forces no longer have the military capability to sustain the war, especially after the completion of nearly 1000 days of failure and failure. It has a clear-cut nihilism centered on finding frameworks To solve the obstacle to the war on Yemen through the political table.

Not only failure and defeat is what drives the coalition forces to accept the negotiations, but the proliferation and accumulation of defensive capabilities of the Yemeni army and the popular committees, including the missile and naval force, which is becoming more dangerous day after day is what made the coalition forces to defeat the negotiations, To engage in negotiations in order to contain this exaggerated threat.

I may not be sure here that the Saudi coalition forces believe that the time has come to shake the end of the war on Yemen in full and perhaps that among these moves aimed at reviving peace in Yemen may not be detailed, so as to strengthen the cessation of the war definitively even if there is an extraordinary move by Russia or the community If we assume that the negotiating table has returned to normal, it may end up in the margins of half-solutions or suspicious solutions rather than time to take the forces of aggression deep breath in order to consider the stage of escalation expected, although this latter is almost unlikely, but the forces of aggression, especially the United States Mother US may not bear the absolute intention to close the file of aggression on Yemen with these negotiations, which are justified in the horizon.