12 Civilians Killed and Wounded in Saudi Air Raids on Yemen

Al-Thawra Net

The Saudi-American aggression launched 25 raids on several provinces of the Republic, killing 12 citizens and destroying public and private properties over the past few hours.

A military source told SABA that eight people were killed, and four others were injured including women and children in four raids targeted their house in al-Azaqul district of Sa’ada province.

According to the source, the Saudi-American aggression warplanes launched three raids on the government compound south of Houth City in Omran province, destroying the building completely,  as well as  destroying a chicken farm in the al-Augili  area in Houth city .

The source indicated that the aggression warplanes bombed Houth Elementary Court in Amran province by a raid led to a complete destruction of the building.

The source pointed out that the Saudi-American aggression warplanes Carried out a raid on Gerban Camp in Sanhan directorate in Sana’a province and another raid on the house of Sheikh Abdullah Yahya Yusuf in Nihem district.

In Hajjah province, the Saudi aggression warplanes launched 14 raids on Harad and Midi districts.