Saudi Warplanes Intensify its Raids and Kill 37 citizens in the past hours

Saudi-American aggression warplanes  intensified its raids  on the governorates of the republic during the past hours, carrying out 40 raids that resulted in the death and injury of more than 37 citizens, including women and children .

A military source told SABA  that six children , three women were killed and two citizens were injured after 15 raids on a farm  at the  directorate of al- Khokha in the province of Hodeidah .

The source pointed to the death and injury of more than 20 citizens in four raids targeted three cars near a restaurant at al-Jurahi directorate . Another raid  killed four citizens on a taxi at the entrance of al-Jurahi city .

The source confirmed that  four citizens killed  in a raid targeted the public road in the area of ​​Ghoul Ajeeb in ‘Amran governorate .

The aggression warplanes launched three raids on the border directorate of Razih and a raid on Baqem directorate. They also launched two raids on  Al-Zaher directorate in Sa’ada governorate .

The source pointed out that the hostile warplanes launched two raids on al-Nahdeen area of ​​the capital Sana’a, and three raids on the directorate of Sarawah in the province of Marib, two raids targeted  the homes of citizens in Al-Zaidi area .

The source pointed out that the  aggression launched five raids on Harad directorate in the province of Hajjah, and three raids on the Directorate of al-Musloub in Al-Jwaf province.