Army And Popular Committees Destroy Military Mechanisms In Marib And West Coast


A number of invaders and mercenaries were killed  and others were injured after the destruction of a number of vehicles loaded on the fronts of the West Coast and Marib .

A military source said that the armored unit  of the heroes of the army and the Popular Committees was able to destroy two vehicles loaded with invaders and mercenaries in the West Coast with guided missiles.  The source added  that the Apache  planes launched more than 100 missiles and 20 raids since morning .

The source added that the engineering unit of the army and popular committees destroyed the mechanism of mercenaries by an improvised explosive device and killed its crew and wounded two others in the  directorate of Sarawah .

The armor unit of the army and popular  committees destroyed a mechanism loaded with mercenaries in the West Coast and killed and injured of  its crew, and killed 5 of the mercenaries  after the bombing their mechanism  in the same front .