Ministry of Health condemns coalition massacre against displaced in Hodeidah


Al-Thawra Net

The Ministry of Health on Thursday condemned the US-backed Saudi-led coalition airstrikes against displaced children in Hodeidah province.

This crime is a flagrant violation of the principles of international humanitarian law, the ministry said in a statement

The statement also confirmed that the targeting of the children in Hodeidah by coalition’s warplanes is war crimes.

The coalition waged a series of strikes on Duriehmie district of Hodeidah, killing 26 children, four women and wounded two others.

“This targeting will increase the suffering of patients and those in need of medical services and who are vulnerable,” the statement said.

The ministry denounced the international silence towards the coalition violations and war crimes in Yemen without deterring those states.

It also called on the international community and all organizations to condemn this heinous massacre against the Yemeni children.