Saudi Arabia more interested in getting terrorist and criminals out of Yemeni prison than in its POWs

Al-Thawra Net

The head of the National Committee for Prisoners’ Affairs, Abdul Qader al-Murtada, has revealed on Saturday that the Saudi-led coalition “cares more for the captives of its criminal and intelligence cells than for the prisoners of its armed forces and its militants.”

In response to the Coalition’s allegations, Murtada said: “The aggression claimed that we want military prisoners to be exchanged with civilian prisoners is purely a lie to cover their continued obstruction of the implementation of the agreement.”

Al-Murtada said in a statement that the prisoners held by the Yemeni Army “are prisoners of war from the fronts or members of criminal cells that were destabilizing security and working in favor of aggression within the provinces.”

“We also have intelligence cell components in prison, who are directly affiliated with Saudi Arabia and the UAE or monitoring cells that raise the coordinates to the aggression,” said the chairman of the Committee on prisoner Affairs Abdelkader Murtada.

“For the record, the aggression’s forces are much more interested in members of criminal cells than in their prisoners of war, who are the majority [of our prisoners] and have not been named in the statements,” Al-Murtada concluded.