Supreme Political Council condemns Hadi regime participation in Warsaw Conference

Al-Thawra Net

The Supreme Political Council of Yemen has responded to the participation of a representative of the exiled Hadi government, Khalid al-Yamani at the US-organised Warsaw Conference, where they attended along with the Prime Minister of the Zionist entity, Benjamin Netanyahu. The Council described the Warsaw Conference as “a party of humiliation and shame”.

In a statement issued on Friday by the SPC, it confirms that “the Republic of Yemen denies its participation in this forum” and that “al-Yamani does not represent Yemen.”

“The Republic of Yemen rejects this participation in this forum and representation of Al-Yamani, and expresses its utter rejection and condemnation of the participation of Hadi’s representative at the Warsaw Conference, as well as its abhorrence of this betrayal and this prostration [to Zionism].”

The Council affirmed the firm position of the Republic of Yemen on the Palestinian issue and the “compass of struggle and sacrifices”.

“Any meeting under any cover with the Zionist enemy represents an unforgivable historical betrayal of the Arab people, the Islamic Ummah and the free people of the world who reject the Zionist occupation of Palestine,” the statement read.

“Palestine is the first pivotal central issue for Arabs and Muslims,” the political council said, adding that the Zionist occupation requires at least a boycott by Arab and Islamic regimes incapable of confronting it by force.

“The Warsaw conference and the Arab presence is humiliating and shameful”, the statement added.

“The Warsaw conference was sponsored by the Zionist US, in the presence of a number of Arab puppets in an ugly and miserable image that shows what was hidden and confirms the betrayal by these puppet regimes of Palestine”, the Supreme Political Council said.

“It also shows the boldness of its blatant conspiracy against the will of the people and the destiny of the nation, and changes the direction of compass away from the Israeli enemy and to imaginary enemies such as Iran or others.

In its statement, the Council stressed that “the methodology of the Arab puppet regimes is a deliberate one aimed at handing over the region to dependency and trusteeship; to the empowering of the Zionist-American project called the ‘deal of the century’, and the elimination of the Palestinian cause.”

“The plan aimed at making some countries and peoples occupied by terrorism and internal wars, similar to the scenarios of Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Libya, Egypt, Lebanon and Bahrain,” the Supreme Political Council said.

“The focus is on Iran, and the forces of resistance came to support Iran’s consistent stance on the Palestinian issue and to liberate the region from the US-Zionist hegemony and dependency.

It’s no surprise that the Saudi-led aggression against Yemen should be part of this abhorrent project against the Arab and Islamic nation and its capabilities.

Their aggression against Yemen, its blockade, its starvation and the occupation of its territory comes in the context of preparing for their project, which failed in Yemen under the feet of the Yemeni Army and Popular Committees as well as due to great steadfastness of the Yemeni people.”

The statement continued: “The Warsaw Conference affirmed the validity, eligibility and obligation of defending Yemen, its sovereignty and independence, as evidenced by the shameful and humiliating presence of the fugitive’s [Hadi] representative, alongside with Netanyahu, the leader of global terrorism and the representative of the Zionist entity.”

The Supreme Political Council called on “Arab and Islamic regimes to resist and reject dangerous and destructive projects and to mobilize people to confront them and fortify the nation against them”.

It furthermore called upon the public opinion to reject and condemn any Arab participation with the Israeli enemy, which would violate all international covenants and resolutions on Palestine.

The Supreme Political Council also warned against the risk of the Saudi-Emirati partnership with some Arab regimes in the financing and implementation of the American-Zionist plan in the region, calling for “broad and thoughtful coordination to confront sectarian and ideological discrimination schemes implemented by Riyadh and Abu Dhabi to serve its masters in destabilizing the region’s security and stability.”

The Council stressed “the need to unite the axis of resistance and work to build broad alliances in this important historical stage and reject hegemony and arrogance of the American Zionist.”

“The Yemeni people and the Arab and Islamic nation should remain vigilant and come out in various fields with large demonstrations that express their outrage against this betrayal”, the statement concluded.