Deputy Foreign Minister condemns UN for inaction towards Saudi crimes

Al-Thawra Net

Deputy Foreign Minister of the National Salvation Government Hussein al-Izzi has described the United Nations as a failure, and demanded the UN to stop its hypocrisy regarding the war crimes committed by the Saudi-led coalition in Yemen.

The latest of these crimes took place in Tallan area of the Kusher district in Hajjah province. He further called on women all over the world to unite with the women of Hajjah who have been killed by Saudi-led air strikes.

“This heinous massacre against women and children in Kusher district committed by the Saudi-led aggression coalition has added to the criminal record of the aggression’s states,” Hussein al-Izzi said, adding that “it is also a stain on humanity and a disgrace in the face of the United Nations that has unfortunately failed to wrest respect for peoples.”

“The United Nations does not care about such massacres of women and children in Yemen. It is indeed a failed United Nations and it must be ashamed,” Hussein al-Izzi said on his Twitter account on Monday.

“I am saddened to speak of the United Nations in this way, but I am saying what is being said by the tongues of the oppressed and besieged Yemeni people who feel that the United Nations has failed him so much,” he added.

However, al-Izzi called on the United Nations to “play its role”.

“I also call on all women of the whole world to be in solidarity with Yemeni women who have been killed by Saudi and UAE planes. They have not yet celebrated International Women’s Day,” he said.

“We call upon governments, organisations, parties and all free people to show honourable positions in condemning this organized crime.”

The Deputy Foreign Minister further called for a halt to arms exports to the coalition.

“We call on the countries involved in the sale of arms to stop immediately and assure all the countries of aggression, foremost the U.S and Britain that the blood of Yemenis will not go to waste. The hand of justice will reach them as a Yemeni right that will not pass without punishment, and this growing discontent against Britain and America is evidence that the Yemeni people will not hesitate to take revenge for these women.”