Mohammed Al-Houthi: Jeremy Hunt can not be peace broker and arms dealer at the same time

Al-Thawra Net

Mohammed Ali al-Houthi, a senior member of the supreme political council has continued to refute the British Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt’s allegations about the war on Yemen, but this time through the  “Guardian” British Newspaper.

“British Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt cannot be a broker of peace and an arms dealer at the same time,” said Mohammed Ali al-Houthi in an interview with the Guardian newspaper on Friday.

“Hunt has bypassed the defense of British arms sales to try to pressure Germany to sell weapons,” al-Houthi told the Guardian.

“The Saudi-led coalition, backed by Britain, has been committing terrible war crimes against Yemenis since four years,” he said, “as well as causing the worst humanitarian catastrophe.”

Al-Houthi on Wednesday published an article replying to a British Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt’s article about the war in Yemen.

In the article, he commented on the British Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt by refuting his propaganda and false allegations.