Russian ambassador calls for stable and united Yemen


Al-Thawra Net

Russian Ambassador to Yemen, Vladimir Dedushkin, has renewed his country’s support for the security, stability and unity of Yemen.

The move came during a press conference held at Aden International Airport, which is under control of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) occupation forces

Vladimir Dedushkin said Russia does not welcome the division of Yemen and supports the survival of Yemen as a united, secure and stable country.

He noted that he, during his visit to the governorate of Aden, had come to see the situation closely and saw damage inflicted on the Russian consulate in the city.

He said that his visit included a number of economic facilities, including the Al-Haiswa hydroelectric power station, the port of Aden and the Hadi-controlled “central bank”.

While Russia officially recognizes the exiled Saudi-backed Hadi government, Moscow has played a significant role in promoting peace initiatives and calling for a negotiated solution and swift end to the conflict.