US Senate passes resolution demanding end to US support for Saudi war on Yemen

Al-Thawra Net

The US Senate has once again passed a resolution that would put an end to Washington’s support for the Saudi-led coalition’s war on Yemen that has been going on since 2015.

A total of 54 senators voted in favor of the resolution, while 46 voted against it.

The Senate is now seeking to halt any US military involvement in the conflict, including the providing of targeting support for Saudi airstrikes, without authorization from Congress.

The resolution bans the US military from any kind of involvement in the conflict despite the White House’s threat that US President Trump will use his right to veto the resolution.

This is the second vote for the Senate on the resolution on the powers of war in four months. President Trump is known as an avid supporter of Saudi Arabia, and maintains direct contacts with the Saudi kingdom through his son-in-law Jared Kushner.