Deputy Foreign Minister: “We will not fight our South Yemeni brothers”

Al-Thawra Net

Yemen’s Deputy Foreign Minister Hussein al-Azzi has said on Saturday that the Ansarullah movement would not wage any attacks against the people of the southern Yemeni provinces.

Al-Azzi said on his Twitter account that the attacks against and the control established over the areas in Qatabah and Morais of Dhalea province made by the Yemeni Armed Forces, is only aimed against the Saudi-led coalition and its mercenaries.

The fight waged by the National Salvation Government in Sana’a is therefore not aimed against the people of the south of Yemen.

“We send our love, serenity and brotherly regards to our brothers and families in the south of Yemen,” al-Azzi added.

“The Yemenis in the northern areas will be in the frontlines along with the southern people in order to defend Yemen and expel the new foreign occupation forces as they have done before with the British occupation.”