Canada “examining” evidence its armoured vehicles used by Saudis in Yemen

Al- Thawra Net

Canadian newspaper Ottawa Citizen published an article saying that the Canadian government says it is examining video footage which appears to show Canadian-made light armoured vehicles being captured by Yemeni forces.

The site said that Saudi Arabia has not acknowledged the news. The footage, that was shown on Almasirah TV and Al Jazeera, shows the captured and destroyed light armored vehicles as well as Saudi troops taken prisoner.

In 2014, the Conservative government of Canada announced a deal worth an estimated $15 billion to sell Saudi Arabia more than 700 light armored vehicles. That controversial deal was later approved by the Liberal government.

Doug Wilson-Hodge, spokesman for General Dynamics Land Systems-Canada, said the company is declining to comment on the footage.
Global Affairs Canada spokesperson Adam Austen noted the government is reviewing all export permits to Saudi Arabia but no final decision has been taken. “During this review, no new permits have been issued,” Austen added.