Ministry of Transport directs Yemeni airports to raise readiness to prevent Coronavirus entry

Al-Thawra Net

The Yemeni Ministry of Transport and the Civil Aviation Authority on Sunday directed all international airports nationwide to raise readiness and take emergency measures in coordination with the Health Ministry to prevent the entry of Coronavirus into the country.

The ministry and the authority stressed, in a joint statement, the need to take the necessary precautions through examining travelers by using health screening tools and any other methods to diagnose the persons infected with the epidemic.

The statement indicted to the importance of establishing a quarantine area, providing the necessary devices at entry points to assess travelers’ cases and organizing the transportation of patients with symptoms to hospitals or facilities designated for treatment.

The statement stressed the need to tighten health measures, especially for those coming from countries where the outbreak was declared, as well as circulating guidelines and publications issued by the World Health Organization on preventing the spread of the epidemic.