Tariq Salam accuses UAE of trying to spread disease across Yemen

Al- Thawra Net

The Governor of Aden, Tariq Salam has warned against the UAE’s criminal attempts to turn Aden into “a quagmire of epidemics and diseases in a manner that is against morals and human values.”

Governor Salam said the UAE’s attempts to establish a quarantine for suspected MERS-CoV infections is a war crime as it seeks to transmit the virus to Yemen.

He called on the people of Aden and the occupied southern provinces to “confront this occupier and abort its destructive projects aimed at dragging Yemen into the quagmire of death and destruction.”

Salam called on the international community and the World Health Organisation to play their part in countering the UAE’s extremely serious criminal acts that threaten the security and safety of the world.

The governor also condemned the forced displacement of people of northern Yemeni descent from Aden, which is being perpetrated in order to divide the people of the Yemeni nation, and to widen the differences between Yemenis in the interests of the invaders.