108 breaches of the cease-fire agrrement in Hodiedah

The American-Saudi aggression forces and its mercenaries committed more than 108 violations of the truce agreement on the Hodeidah fronts during the past 24 hours.

A source in the Liaison and Coordination Officers Operations Room to monitor violations of the aggression in Al Hudaydah confirmed that among the violations of the aggression were 5 attacks on the control of 16 km, the flight of a warplane in the airspace of Al-Faza, and the flight of 6 spy planes in the airspace of the fifty-fifty Sana’a streets, the two areas of Al-Mashhar, Kilo 16 and the cities of Al-Shaab and Al-Faza.

The source pointed that the breaches of the aggression included the building of new combat fortifications in the area of ​​Kilo 16 and 33 breaches with artillery and missile shelling of 85 shells, missiles and 60 breaches with various bullets.