Aggression Navy Continues to Detain 14 Oil and 3 Foodstuffs Ships

US-Saudi aggression navy continues piracy activities against 14 oil ships and 3 food ships despite obtaining international permits in Djibouti, an official source in Hodeidah port told Almasirah.

The source pointed out that the aggression navy continues piracy works against 14 oil derivative ships with more than 320 thousand tons on board.

The source pointed out that the piracy of aggression affected 3 food ships despite obtaining entry permits to the United Nations’ port of Hodeidah in Djibouti.

The Yemen Petroleum Company announced, Wednesday, that the coalition of aggression is still holding 12 oil ships loaded with petroleum products a few miles from the port of Hodeidah, noting that the first detention period is 37 days.

Fuel is needed for transportation, shortages have caused fuel prices to spike up to 200 percent in some areas, making the transportation of life-saving aid to communities-in-need more expensive.

The forces of the US-Saudi aggression continue piracy in the seizure of oil derivatives ships, while the United Nations remains silent, threatening the lives of all Yemeni people.