Series of assassinations plague southern provinces

Al- Thawra Net

The southern occupied provinces have witnessed a series of assassinations and liquidations among the tools of Saudi-UAE aggression.

In Hadhramaut province, a security officer and his companions were killed in the Shibam district, when a roadside bomb exploded on last Tuesday.

Local sources said that unknown militants apparently planted an improvised explosive device that struck a vehicle carrying a senior security official along with his four bodyguards in Hadramout province.

The roadside bomb blast resulted in the assassination of Saleh Bin Ali Jaber, the security director of Shibam district located in the west side of Hadhramout, the sources added.

In the same province, a citizen was assassinated on Thursday by unknown gunmen in Hadramout province, according to local sources.

The civilian was killed in front of his home in Mankhar area of al-Quttn city.

In Aden province, unidentified gunmen on Wednesday assassinated a military commander loyal to the UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC) militia.

The  gunmen assassinated Major General Fadl Abdo Hassan, former commander of the so-called “Salman Al-Hazm” brigade, near the Hammam market in Al-Sila area of Sheikh Othman directorate in Aden and then fled, local sources said.

In the same province, local sources in Aden city confirmed that a citizen was wounded as a result of an explosion caused by a roadside bomb on Wednesday night.

According to the sources, unknown militants planted an improvised explosive device under a vehicle belonging to a high-ranking military officer loyal to the Saudi-led coalition in Mansoura district.

The blast occurred while Ali, son of Brigadier General Mohammed Ismail al-Dhalea, was near the car, causing some injuries to him.

Assassinations and security disorder have been hitting Aden and other southern provinces since early 2016, when militias backed by Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates overran much of the country’s south.