Al-Qaeda terrorist elements execute Yemeni doctor

Al-Thawra Net

Al-Qaeda terrorist elements have executed and crucified a doctor in the al-Sawma’ah district of Bayda province, local sources said on Saturday.

According to the sources, al-Qaeda gunmen executed Dr. Mutahar al-Yousfi, after he was accused of spying, and recorded his forced confessions in a video that was posted on social media.

Al-Qaeda members crucified the doctor’s body on a public street after the execution, the source said.

The Yemeni army liberated and secured the Yakla region of Bayda province from forces of Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) on Thursday. The al-Qaeda and ISIS elements have fled towards Marib, Shabwah and al-Sawma’ah district, which are under Saudi occupation.