Ansarullah spokesman condemns Emirati collaboration with Zionists

Al-Thawra Net

Ansarullah spokesman and head of the Yemen negotiating delegation, Mohammed Abdulsalam, has on Thursday described the announcement of a direct relationship between the UAE and Israel as a form of US propaganda.

“The nation’s issues are being sold today on the sidewalk of the American elections,” said Abdulsalam in a statement to Al-Masirah TV channel.

Abdulsalam said that the Zionist entity would not stop building settlements, and said that the UAE claim that they are trying to stop Zionist colonisation of the West Bank is “a naive claim.”

He pointed out that “the Axis of Resistance has proven that whoever stands on the side of Palestine is the one who has the right and correct position.”

The Ansarullah spokesman furthermore noted that “Saudi Arabia, along with the UAE, is a link in the series of the Zionist project in the region.”