Sana’a Airport closed to UN flights due to oil shortage

Al-Thawra Net

Transport Minister in the National Salvation Government, Zakaria al-Shami, has on Sunday announced the closure of Sana’a International Airport to flights of the United Nations and international organisations for the coming few days, due to the depletion of necessary oil derivatives.

“The aggression is seeking to achieve any achievement on the reality after it failed militarily,” al-Shami said during an event organised by the Ministry of Transport and the General Authority of Civil Aviation and Meteorology in Sana’a to mark the passage of four years since Sana’a Airport as closed to most air traffic due to the Saudi-led invasion.

The Minister explained that the continued detention of oil derivative ships is causing a humanitarian disaster for the Yemeni people, especially patients in hospitals.

More than 540,000 patients are in urgent need to travel abroad but are unable to do so.

Al-Shami noted to the United Nations’ inability to lift the blockade on Sana’a airport, which is the main artery for two-thirds of the population of the Republic of Yemen, and its first gateway to the world.