Security forces thwart al-Qaeda criminal operation in Bayda

Security services on Sunday thwarted al-Qaeda criminal operation in thi-Kaleb al-A’la village in al-Quraisheya district of Bayda province, an Interior Ministry spokesman said.

Brig. General Abdulkhaleq al-Ajri added three members of al-Qaeda organization clashed with the security services at al-Madraj checkpoint in the village, two of them were arrested while the third escaped towards thi-Kaleb al-Asfal village in the district.

Al-Ajri pointed out that the security men are still pursuing the third member to arrest him and bring him to justice.

He also indicated that the security confirms that the mercenary leadership in Marib sent last week sums of money to Ahmed Saleh al-Sufi, who is in thi-Kaleb al-Asfal village aiming to carry out criminal operations in the district.