Shura Council: Guterres’s decision reflects UN’s acquiescence to Saudi money

Shura Council in Sana’a strongly condemned on Saturday the decision issued by the Secretary-General of the United Nations, António Guterres, to designate Ansarullah on the list of violators of children’s rights.

In a statement, the council stressed that this step reflects the United Nations’ acquiescence to great pressure exerted by Saudi Arabia, which removed from the list of violators of children’s rights as a result of the big money paid to the UN for improving bad Saudi image to public opinion, which was shocked by the massacres and horrific crimes committed by the Saudi-led coalition against children and women of Yemen for more than six years.

The statement pointed out that the aggression deliberately targeted civilians and children in homes, roads, schools, markets, wedding halls, funeral halls, and others, killing more than three thousand children and injuring others, as well as more than four thousand others has been disabled as a result of its brutal raids on Yemen.

It pointed out that Guterres’ recent decision confirms the lack of credibility of the United Nations, which has been watching the horrific crimes committed against Yemeni children since the beginning of the aggression, proving its complicity with the Saudi regime under the influence of financial pressures.

The Council called on the Secretary-General of the United Nations to retract his decision in order to preserve what remains of the credibility of the United Nations.