Ansarullah condemns criminal attacks in Afghanistan, Lebanon, Syria

The Political Bureau of Ansarullah condemned on Saturday the criminal and brutal attacks that targeted a number of mosques in Afghanistan, the attacks on peaceful demonstrators in Lebanon and the Zionist-American attacks on Palmyra in Syria.

In a statement, the political bureau considered that these brutal attacks are “brutal murders carried out by the terrorists that the United States created and succeeded in Afghanistan to serve its agenda and achieve its goals.”

The statement called on the Afghan authorities to prosecute the killers, stressing the need to provide the necessary protection for worshipers in mosques by proactive steps to prevent the killers from carrying out any new crimes.

In this context, Ansarullah condemned “the criminal attacks against peaceful demonstrators in Lebanon, which resulted in martyrs and wounded as a result of the treacherous ambush last Thursday,”

It considered that this attack is a criminal act targeting stability and civil peace and dragging the country to an internal strife sought by the US and the entity of the Zionist enemy.

In addition, the bureau condemned the criminal Zionist-American attacks on the Syrian Palmyra region, which caused the death of a soldier from the Syrian Arab Army and the wounding of others, stressing Syria’s full right to respond to those attacks.