US New Yorker Manipulates Reasons for the Failure of Safer Tank Maintenance Agreement

The head of the Safer Maintenance Agreement Committee, Ibrahim Al- Seraji, denied what was reported in the US New Yorker magazine about the reasons for obstructing the Safer tank maintenance agreement.

Al-Saraji told Almasirah, today, Tuesday, that the US magazine deliberately cut and distorted the answers to obscure the truth, stressing that the committee will issue, in the coming hours, a statement containing the original texts of the interview and how they were distorted by the US New Yorker magazine.

 “We will send a clarification to the American magazine and demand the right of reply and publish it in the same space unless we will resort to sue it before the courts”, he added.

Al-Seraji expressed the committee’s hope that UN would retract its positions and return to the agreement in order to spare the Red Sea environment any disaster.

On November, 25,2020, an official source in the Supreme Economic Committee announced that an urgent maintenance agreement and a comprehensive evaluation of the Safer floating tank had been signed with the United Nations. The source explained that, after technical discussions between the national advisory team for the floating tank Safer and the UN envoy’s office, Martin Griffiths, and the team of the United Nations Office for Project Services, an agreement was reached on urgent maintenance and a comprehensive evaluation of the “Safer floating tank.”

In Earlier, the official committee in Sana’a, responsible for facilitating UN efforts to execute a comprehensive evaluation of the floating tank Safer, announced that the United Nations failed to expedite the implementation of the agreement. It reached a dead end after the UN side overthrowing most of the terms of the agreement signed by them and the National Salvation Government.