New rounds of infighting hit occupied city of Aden

Violent clashes have erupted on Monday inside one of the UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC) camps in Aden, southern Yemen.

Local sources stated that clashes occurred inside the coast guard camp in al-Nasr and al-Arish neighbourhoods, Khor Maksar area.

The sources added that the confrontations and the sounds of explosions provoked terror among the people of the area, pointing out that the STC militia deployed dozens of its members in the streets of the area, and set up checkpoints for cars in the al-Arish area.

On the other hand, violent confrontations broke out earlier on Monday, between members of the STC militia in Bir Fadl area, due to a dispute over a plot of land.

This comes after Crater area witnessed confrontations between STC forces and elements loyal to dissident militia leader Imam al-Noubi, which has left dozens of dead and wounded already.