Shura Council: designating Hezbollah as terrorist organization dictated by interest of Zionism

The Shura Council has condemned the Australian government’s decision to designate Hezbollah a terrorist organization. In a statement, the council considered that this measure is comparable to the British government’s move to classify Hamas as a terrorist organization, and it came in implementation of America’s dictates, which serve the interests of the usurping Zionist entity.

The statement stressed that the measures taken by some governments against the resistance movements in the Middle East revealed the falseness of their claims and slogans about peace and security in the region.

It noted that these steps fall within the framework of the activities of the axis of evil represented by America and Israel and their co-conspirators in the region, to target the Islamic resistance movements and free peoples.

The statement pointed out that it would have been better for the Australian government to take such a measure against the Zionist enemy entity, which practices various forms of terrorism against the Palestinian people.

The Shura statement called on the Arab and Islamic peoples to reject these criminal steps against Hezbollah, and to take serious action to thwart all hostile steps targeting the Arab and Islamic nations and their just causes.