Al-Qaeda Executes a Sudanese Officer in Yemen

Sudanese media confirmed the killing of a prominent leader of Al-Qaeda in Yemen, of Sudanese origin.

The sources said, quoting Sudanese elements in the organization, that “Al-Qaeda issued a death sentence for the Sudanese leader, Rashad Qureshi Othman, who is known as “Abu Turab Al-Sudani”. Abu Turab and its importance in the leadership ladder in the organization.

Abu Turab is accused of planning of the assassination of the prominent leader in the organization, “Nasser al-Wahishi,” which indicates the size of the position that Abu Turab had and his importance in the leadership ladder in the organization

He is also accused of treason and collaborating with a foreign country. Abu Turab is one of the elements of the Sudanese army that Saudi Arabia and the Emirates have used in Yemen and are still spreading along the Yemeni border