Ministry of Oil condemns Hadi government’s raising of domestic gas prices

The Ministry of Oil and Minerals condemned on Monday the pro-aggression government’s raising of gas prices without any justification and without taking into account that gas is a local product.
During a press conference for the Ministry of Oil and Minerals and the Yemen Gas Company in front of the United Nations headquarters in the capital, Sana’a, the Ministry explained that the rise in gas prices is due to the price doses imposed by the pro-Saudi government in Marib, the last of which was a few days ago.

“We affirm that the new dose is a further increase in the suffering of this steadfast people in the face of aggression, and we hold them fully legally responsible,” the Ministry said. “The rise in gas prices by the pro-Saudi government comes without any justification and without taking into account that gas is a local product and our people have the right to obtain it at the lowest costs.”

It emphasized its keenness during the previous period to neutralize gas to facilitate its access to all citizens of the country and at the specified price to alleviate suffering in light of the siege, aggression and interruption of salaries.

The Ministry of Oil explained that the pro-Saudi government had reduced the quotas of the free governorates from gas trailers and had caused crises.

It called on all honorable people in all governorates to stand against the conspiracies targeting the Yemeni citizen by the pro-aggression government.