Over 2,300 unexploded Saudi bombs and munitions removed by Yemeni clearance teams

The non-technical survey teams in the Executive Center for Mine Action managed during February 2022 to discover 2,364 cluster bombs and mines left behind by Saudi-led aggression coalition forces.

According to a statistic issued by the center, the non-technical teams of the center were able to survey areas contaminated with mines, cluster bombs and war remnants in six districts of Hodeidah province, namely Al-Mansuriya, Al-Hujaila, Bajil, Bait Al-Faqih, Al-Salif and Al-Marawah, with an area of approximately 30,800,000 square meters

The technical survey of the indicated area reached 55,980 square meters during the same period, while the cleared area reached 212,446 square meters.

The collected discoveries of mines, cluster bombs and remnants of war during the same period in all polluted provinces amounted to a total of 2,364 pieces, detailed as follows:

– 13 anti-personnel mines

– 234 anti-tank mines

– 63bdecoys.

– 101 cluster bombs

– 3 aircraft bombs.

– 1,950 assorted shells.

With regard to the awareness-raising activity on the dangers of mines and cluster bombs, the center stated that the total number of beneficiaries reached 127,303 people, including 14,127 adult males, 9,990 adult females, 55,272 male children, and 47,914 female children.

The center confirmed that it is continuing its humanitarian efforts to cleanse the country of these dangerous remnants despite the scarce capabilities and the lack of support for marking the contaminated areas.