Land Transport Authority Condemns Blackmailing of Passengers at Saudi Border Crossing

The Land Transport Regulatory Authority denounced the blackmailing of travelers at the Al-Wadea land border crossing with Saudi Arabia.

In a statement, The Authority indicated said that the Saudi-backed militants’ extortion of travelers and closure of the port is a violation of the rights of citizens who suffer from US-Saudi aggression contrary to international and humanitarian norms, charters and conventions.

It stressed that hundreds of Yemenis, including women and children, have been stuck for days in the Al-Wadea port, as a result of the arbitrary measures imposed by the Saudi authorities and their Saudi-backed militants, which has increased the suffering of travelers.

The statement pointed out that the decision to stop land trips to Saudi Arabia is unjustified, and evidence of the failure of those in charge of managing the port.

The Land Transport Regulatory Authority held the US-Saudi aggression and its Saudi-backed militants to be fully responsible for what Yemeni travelers are exposed to in the land port of Al-Wadea.

The United Nations called for action to solve the problem of passengers at Al-Wadea port and to save the lives of children and women who launched distress calls.

The Saudi regime has prevented Yemeni expatriates from entering Yemeni lands for a month under the pretext that they own four-wheel drive cars, which the regime has claimed those will be sold to the Yemeni Army Forces for use in battles.

Videos of a large number of families parked on the side of the road surfaced. The videos show hundreds of cars stuck in front of one of the hotels in Sharurah city, sixty kilometers from the Al-Wadea outlet. Some families have been waiting for twenty-fourth days in a row.

Some Yemeni citizens said that officials working in the border crossing refused to grant Yemenis exit visas. The officers claim orders by pro-Saudi government are prohibiting the entry of SUVs coming from Saudi Arabia to Yemen.

The reality of the situation points at another way the Saudi-led aggression is using to increase the suffering of the Yemeni people.