New oil tanker docks in Saudi-occupied Hadhramaut to loot oil wealth


The ship Apolytares, a crude oil tanker, has docked at the port of Ash-Shihr in the occupied Hadhramaut province, eastern Yemen, coming from the Chinese port of Zhoushan with the aim of plundering Yemeni crude oil, an official source at the Oil Ministry in Sana’a said on Sunday.

The source explained that the Chinese giant tanker is preparing to loot 316,679 tons of crude oil, which is equivalent to 2,375,090 barrels.

The value of the expected oil to be looted in this shipment is $251 million, or more than 226 billion Yemeni riyals, according to the source.

The systematic looting of Yemeni oil comes at a time when Yemenis are suffering from multiple crises due to aggression and blockade, one of which is salary cuts. Observers believe that the looting of Yemeni oil by the Saudi-led coalition, its mercenaries and other complicit states is a serious and organised economic crime.