Transport Minister confirms Sana’a Airport’s readiness to receive flights

The Minister of Transport, Amer Al-Marani, on Saturday confirmed that Sana’a International Airport is ready to receive commercial, civil, relief, humanitarian and international flights in accordance with the international conditions applicable in all international airports.

This came during an inspection visit to the airport, during which he was briefed on the readiness of the runway for landing and taking off aircraft, the airport customs, and the operational readiness of the fire and rescue services at the airport.

The Transport Minister listened to an explanation from the Director General of Sana’a International Airport, Khaled Al-Shayef, on the airport’s technical operational readiness to receive commercial flights and the services to be provided to passengers.

Al-Marani affirmed that the airport and its cadres are ready to receive commercial and civil flights, technically and professionally in a way that contributes to achieving the security and safety of civil aviation.