protesters Storm Ma’asheq Presidential Palace

 Protesters stormed Ma’asheq Presidential Palace denouncing the deteriorating economic and living situation and the lack of services.

The protesters chanted slogans for the Riyadh Presidential Council and the coalition government, regarding the continued deterioration of living conditions, the collapse of the local currency, and the lack of basic services.

Local news revealed the escape of the first minister in the Saudi-backed government from the city of Aden. It was reported that the Minister of Defense in Saudi-backed government, Mohammed Al-Maqdashi, fled from the Ma’ashiq Palace, which the government and the Riyadh Council are based in Crater.

The news suggested that Al-Maqdashi was able to leave the presidential palace to the coalition camp located in the Brega area through a naval boat belonging to the so-called presidential protection.

The UAE is seeking, through the Southern Transitional Council, to purify the southern governorates of the Islah party and its militants, after they were expelled from Aden in August 2019 and Socotra Island on June 19, 2020.

The UAE is heading, through Sagheer bin Aziz, to expel the militants of the First Military District from the Wadi and Sahara districts in Hadhramaut and gather them to Marib.

Other sources pointed out that the angry protests in Aden called for civil disobedience for the failure of the Saudi-led coalition, and the false promises made since the invasion of the city in the second half of 2015.
Aden protests came two days after the outbreak of a popular uprising in Mukalla city, the capital of Hadramout province, which spread to Shihr and Ghail Bawazir cities, calling for improving living conditions and the level of electricity and water services.

Saudi Arabia and many of its allies have been waging a war on Yemen since 2015 to restore power there to the country’s Riyadh-friendly former officials. The war and a simultaneous siege that the US-Saudi-led coalition has been enforcing on the country has killed hundreds of thousands of Yemenis.

The invasion has pushed entire Yemen close to the brink of outright famine, turning the country into the scene of the world’s worst humanitarian crisis.