Foreign Minister sends letters to world countries, international organizations


Foreign Minister Hisham Sharaf on Tuesday addressed letters to the countries of the world, UN Secretary-General, President of the 77th session of the UN General Assembly, President and members of the Security Council, and the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Human, President and members of the Human Rights Council and the High Representative of the European Union for Political and Security Affairs.

The letters, which came in implementation of the directives of the revolutionary leadership, the Supreme Political Council, and the outputs of the meetings of the Supreme Ministerial Committee of the National Salvation Government for the boycott, included the hate crimes committed by European extremists in Sweden, Denmark, and the Netherlands against Muslims around the world and provoking their feelings and identity of faith.

The letters expressed the condemnation of the Republic of Yemen for committing the crime of burning copies of the Holy Quran in full view of the police forces in countries that praise freedom, equality, respect for human rights, and freedom of religion and belief.

The Foreign Minister saw these practices as evidence that Western countries have double standards when it comes to dealing with human rights issues.

The Foreign Minister’s messages warned against hate crimes, which will certainly have negative repercussions on relations between Islamic peoples and Western countries and the effects of these crimes on the fabric of Western societies.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs considered such practices an explicit threat to international peace and security, calling on the Human Rights Council to issue a binding resolution criminalizing all forms of hatred and extremism and calling for holding the perpetrators accountable.

In his letters of condemnation, Minister Sharaf urged the international community to take action, particularly demanding Swedish, Danish, and Dutch authorities investigate these heinous crimes and hold those responsible for extremist groups accountable.

Sharaf pointed out that these actions are in no way related to freedom of opinion, expression, and belief, calling for the perpetrators to be brought to trial and not escape punishment.

He emphasized the importance of the United Nations General Assembly drafting an international convention criminalizing offenses against religious beliefs and symbols, as well as the Security Council passing a resolution criminalizing insulting religions and religious symbols and calling for the prosecution of perpetrators of religious and belief-based hate crimes.