Hezbollah accuses United States of constant destabilisation campaign against Lebanon since 2019


The Secretary-General of the Lebanese “Hezbollah,” Hassan Nasrallah, confirmed on Thursday that Lebanon has faced, since 2019, a new targeting process to bring it back under the American control.

Former US President Barack Obama, according to Nasrallah, admitted that overthrowing regimes only requires corrupting public opinion with “spam.”

“Obama himself confirmed his country’s means to overthrow regimes by losing people’s confidence in their leadership, and this thought is adopted by the administration of US President Joe Biden,” he said.

He continued: “We are facing the challenge of confronting the American media, political, and economic tools, foremost of which is the price of the dollar.”

Nasrallah explained that what helps the Americans in their plan is the presence of corruption and errors in the administrations in the targeted country.

He called for initiating, planning, and cooperating to overthrow “the project of chaos and hegemony and tamper with the minds of our people to control it.”