Human Rights Minister calls for international pressure against Saudi attacks on Saada

The Minister of Human Rights in Sanaa Government, Ali al-Dailami, called on the international community on Saturday to put an end to the Saudi regime’s crimes against civilians in the border areas of Saada province.

Al-Dailami stressed in a press statement that the Saudi-led aggression crimes at the borders have become repeated in one day and that the United Nations and the Security Council are supposed to take action to stop these crimes.

“The coalition thinks that it is able to find a new equation in the border areas through the forced displacement of the population, and it is delusional,” he said.

The Minister of Human Rights called on the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights to move and play its role in documenting the crimes, and for the Secretary-General of the United Nations to take practical measures to stop the coalition’s crimes.

He also called on local authorities and the zakat and endowment bodies to find mobile hospitals to address the shortage of medical capabilities.