Communication and Information Technology Ministry : More than 2,760 attacks on our facilities during the Aggression

Ministry of Communications and Information Technology organized an event on the occasion of the World Telecommunication and Information Society Day, May 17, 2023.

The Ministry explained that the US-Saudi aggression launched more than 2,760 attacks on its facilities, calling for standing in front of the suffering of the Yemenis and stopping all forms of aggression and violations against the communications infrastructure.

“The UN has a responsibility to take care of communications, and it must bear responsibility for what communications are exposed to in Yemen,” Prime Minister Abdulaziz bin Habtoor said.

Bin Habtoor pointed out that the Ministry of Communications is still steadfast and provides its services despite the aggressive targeting that affected all its sectors.

The statement of the Ministry of Communication indicated that the infrastructure was subjected to direct bombardment by the aggression’s warplanes. Its raids destroyed more than 1,106 facilities with more than 2,760 raids, killing more than 79 citizens and dozens of injured.

The statement indicated that the US-Saudi aggression raids isolated more than 114 villages and cities and separated millions of Yemenis from communication.

It explained that the US-Saudi aggression continues to prevent the arrival of technical equipment and spare parts necessary to restart the destroyed communication sites and towers.

“We are holding this event on the 54th anniversary of World Telecommunications Day, and Yemen is among the least developed countries due to the aggression and blockade,” the Minister of Communications Misfer Al-Numeir said.

In March, the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology announced that the initial losses incurred by the telecommunications and postal sector as a result of US-Saudi aggression amounted to more than 10 billion and 925 million dollars.

“US-Saudi aggression deliberately prevented the re-operation of communication stations and sites, and thwarted restoration of service by re-targeting directly or banning civil communications equipment and systems and preventing its entry,” the Ministry of Communications said.

It indicated that the US-Saudi aggression is still holding more than 104 communication stations, nearly seven million mobile phone sim cards, and 20 containers carrying equipment and communication and messaging equipment.

It confirmed that the US-Saudi aggression is still closing air, land and sea ports to postal services, pointing out that not a single message has arrived in Yemen since 2016.

The ministry held the US-Saudi aggression responsible for all crimes committed against the people of Yemen and their infrastructure.

It called on  the international community and organizations to assume their humanitarian responsibility, calling on the free people of the world to intervene and work to stop the US-Saudi aggression and lift the blockade.

A report issued by the Ministry of Communications stated that the communications sector worked to rehabilitate 211 sites and stations, after they were destroyed by the coalition. It also repaired and maintained 403 sabotage operations that led to cables being cut off as a result of bombing and acts of sabotage.

The report indicated that the catastrophic effects on civil society as a result of targeting the telecommunications and postal sector led to cut off 95 regions from the world, 64 establishments that lost financial and postal services, and 1,642 establishments unable to benefit from communications and internet services, and depriving 6,812,542 citizens of postal services.

The report indicated that 1,271,900 citizens were deprived of telecommunications and internet services, while 14 million citizens suffered from the deterioration and weakness of telecommunications and internet services.