Ministry of Industry and Trade gives merchants week to adhere to price list

The Ministry of Industry and Trade in Sana’a has given merchants a week to rectify their situation regarding compliance with the price list.

The Minister of Industry and Trade, Muhammad Al-Mutahar, told the media, “We give the merchants a week to correct their situation,” adding that the ministry’s field committees would arrest the violators as of next week.

Al-Mutahar praised the merchants who took the initiative to abide by the price list, calling on those who remained to adhere within the specified time limit.

The Minister of Industry and Trade emphasized that “the price list is effective and has been calculated in fair ways according to international prices, variables, and exchange rates.”

For his part, the head of the Yemeni Society for Consumer Protection, Fadhl Al-Mansour, explained that the Ministry of Industry and Trade issued the price list as a result of the decline in international prices.

Al-Mansour was surprised by the statement of the General Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry, as it did not attach any data regarding the list of costs and their calculation.