Public Health and Population Ministry :200 Complaints of medical Errors in 2022

Ministry of Public Health and Population held an extensive meeting on medical errors, legal responsibility for medical practices, and professional ethics, with the participation of the Presidency of the Supreme Judicial Council and the Ministry of Justice.

During the meeting, the head of the investigation committee of the Supreme Medical Council, Dr. Khaled Sweilem, that complaints of medical errors for the year 2022 amounted to about 200 complaints, with 104 complaints submitted by the surgical specialty.

President of the Supreme Judicial Council, Judge Ahmed Al-Mutawakel, said” We are concerned with raising cooperation between the judiciary and the Medical Council, as well as community confidence in the Yemeni doctor who withstood despite the circumstances of the aggression.”

Meanwhile, Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives, Abdel Salam Hashoul, said that the parliament will study enacting laws that protect the patient and the doctor and remove confusion in cases of medical errors.

For his part, Minister of Health Dr. Taha Al-Mutawakel said” Transparency in cases of medical errors is required of hospitals, and their breach of medical procedures leads to a medical error. ”

Al-Mutawakel stressed that the aggression is responsible to a certain degree in the file of medical errors by preventing certain equipment and supplies from entering Yemen.

He added “The medical error is a sensitive file, and they are concerned with addressing it and reducing the confusion around it, because it relates to more rights on the part of the patient, the doctor, and the hospital.”

For his part, the Minister of Justice, Judge Nabil Al-Azzani, stated that the Medical Council has judicial powers to adjudicate cases of medical errors.