Aden residents protest deterioration of services

Hundreds of citizens took to the streets on Monday evening, in Yemen’s Southern port city of Aden, as a result of power outages and the collapse of the electricity system.

The video shows dozens of citizens under a water tank washing themselves to find relief in the intense heat of the city.

These scenes reflect the great suffering of the citizens in Aden that they have endured in light of the silence of the government loyal to the Saudi-led coalition and the UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC).

According to local sources, Aden’s streets witnessed angry demonstrations this evening, in which the protesters burned tires and blocked the streets, denouncing the worsening living standards and demanding an end to the energy outage.

Earlier on Monday, activists had called for angry demonstrations tonight in the city to condemn the collapse of services.

According to activists, these calls are in response to the continuous collapse of the currency and essential services, as well as power outages lasting up to 10 hours each.