At least eight African migrants killed in Aden

At least eight African migrants were killed and dozens wounded in clashes erupted between them on Friday in Yemen’s southern port city of Aden, which is uder the control of the Saudi-led coalition’s factions.

According to local sources in the city, infighting erupted between dozens of African migrants and refugees (two clans) in Sheikh Othman district, leaving 8 dead and dozens injured.

The sources confirmed that the confrontations extended to the roundabout of Abdul Qawi to Al-Madara and Dar Saad and Mansoura, referring the clash to the ethnicity between Africans “Muslims and Christians.”

The sources said the migrants used wooden sticks, with knives, and stones in the infighting following a brawl on Thursday in Sheikh Othman.

The coalition factions did not lift finger to break up the clash between African migrants, who are in the hundreds on the streets of Aden and other Yemeni provinces amid negligence by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees.