FM meets WFP resident representative

The Caretaker Minister of Foreign Affairs, Engineer Hisham Sharaf Abdullah, met today with the Resident Representative of the World Food Program in Yemen, Richard Reagan.

In the meeting, Minister Sharaf stressed the importance of reconsidering the decision to reduce humanitarian aid and food baskets, which doubled the suffering of most groups of the Yemeni people as a result of the repercussions of the aggression and the comprehensive blockade.

He explained that reducing the aid allocated to Yemen doubles the burden on the Yemeni citizen, calling on Food Program officials to carry out their role and responsibilities and to make efforts with donor countries in this context.

For his part, the resident representative of the World Food Program indicated that the program attaches the utmost importance to the humanitarian situation in Yemen.

He explained that the program is facing a severe financial crisis as a result of a lack of funding, which forced it to take the decision to reduce the allocation of humanitarian aid in a number of countries where it provides its services, including Yemen.

Reagan said, “The program is making its efforts to provide greater aid and will not hesitate to continue those efforts, but this is a position specific to donor countries that have reduced their aid to the program worldwide.”