Yemeni military spokesman: All “Israeli” ships in Red Sea will be attacked

The Yemeni armed forces military spokesman said on Sunday that the armed forces would target all “Israeli” ships.

In a statement, Brigadier General Yahya Sarie’e explained that the targeting of ships will be on ships that carry the flag of the Zionist entity or the ships that operated by Israeli companies or owned by Israeli companies.

The spokesman called on all countries of the world to withdrawa of all citizens working on the crews of these ships, void shipping on or handling these vessels, and inform your ships to stay away from these ships.

The following statmenet issued by the Yemeni Armed Forces:

Based on religious, national and moral responsibility, and in view of the brutal Zionist-American aggression that the Gaza Strip is being subjected to, including daily massacres and genocide, and in response to the demands of our Yemeni people and the demands of free peoples, and to provide relief to our oppressed people in Gaza.

The Yemeni Armed Forces announce that they will target all of the following types of ships:

1. Ships carrying the flag of the Zionist entity

2. Ships operated by Zionist companies.

3. Ships owned by Zionist companies.

The Yemeni Armed Forces also calls on all countries of the world to:

  • Withdrawal of its citizens working on the crews of these ships.
  • Avoid shipping on or handling these vessels.
  •  Inform your ships to stay away from these ships.